Friday, November 1, 2013

Life keeps jete-ing along

So......what do you do when life intervenes with your plans and goals?   I had recommitted to going to ballet class at least twice a week for six months last year.  Did great for a couple of months and actually started to feel the reconnection and the spark of long dormant muscles, skills, feelings, and joie de vie.

Then came the hip tweak.  Then came the real estate extravaganza (which is how I fund my life.)  Then came the wedding in August and divorce paperwork started less than 12 months later.

Oops......I forgot to go to ballet class.

How many times in life do we get derailed and just decide "That didn't work" or "I can't do it" or "well I tried and I couldn't".  I just don't want to live that way whenever I am able to avoid it.  SO - I am back in class.  Head held high (if not wobbly, off center, and falling out of releve repeatedly).  No explanations about being missing in action for several months.  No reasons why it happened.  Just showed back up and grabbed the barre so to speak.

It was a little tough as this is the same dance studio where Mr. Soon to Be Ex and I took dance classes to get ready for our first dance.  Memories hang in the room.

On the bright side - I have lost 22 pounds since the past time I was in class.  I had hoped that would have made me far more flexible (no such luck yet!)

I guess all I want to say is - don't give up on your dreams.  Don't give up on what is important to you, even if others do not think it is important.  If you miss a goal or a deadline, don't sweat it - set a new one.

Life will keep jete-ing along whether we do or not.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Guess what? Ballet is back on the schedule!! some of you know that I returned to ballet after several decades (and about 40 pounds gained).  It was really fun and challenging at the barre - scary and nerve wracking on the floor.  After about a month and a half of going to class fairly regularly, and feeling like I was starting to get the feeling back of how to move and stand and be - two things happened:

1.  My brand new marriage fell into utter chaos and anxiety.
2.   I went for it too hard and tweaked my left hip. :-(

So - why am I typing so excitedly this morning?  Because both things are now fixed and/or better!  My husband and I are separated, my hip feels better than before, AND I have lost 21 pounds since I stopped going to class!

I will be going back at least twice a week starting next week, leaner in body and clearer in mind.  Back to the barre.......the second go around!

Instead of feeling like a failure - I am excited that I am getting up and trying again.