Sunday, October 13, 2013

Guess what? Ballet is back on the schedule!! some of you know that I returned to ballet after several decades (and about 40 pounds gained).  It was really fun and challenging at the barre - scary and nerve wracking on the floor.  After about a month and a half of going to class fairly regularly, and feeling like I was starting to get the feeling back of how to move and stand and be - two things happened:

1.  My brand new marriage fell into utter chaos and anxiety.
2.   I went for it too hard and tweaked my left hip. :-(

So - why am I typing so excitedly this morning?  Because both things are now fixed and/or better!  My husband and I are separated, my hip feels better than before, AND I have lost 21 pounds since I stopped going to class!

I will be going back at least twice a week starting next week, leaner in body and clearer in mind.  Back to the barre.......the second go around!

Instead of feeling like a failure - I am excited that I am getting up and trying again.